Frequently Asked Questions
How much will the work cost?

The price of tree work depends on many variables such as species, location, size, condition, and treatments to name a few. Due to so many different factors, we must come out to your property to provide an accurate quote for your work. By meeting with you on site, we are able to save you money by understanding your goals and using a careful, systematic approach to achieve these goals. To save you money in the long run, we continue to monitor and evaluate our treatments for effectiveness so that we can ensure the most efficient use of your landscape maintenance budget.

What will our property look like after the work is done?

Our goal is to leave your property looking better than it did when we arrived. We chip and haul all brush and wood unless otherwise directed. We rake lawns and landscape beds to remove small twigs and sticks, and we blow sawdust from all accessible roofs, decks, patios, etc. We take every precaution to avoid impact to landscape lighting, edging, beds, and other immovable targets.

What do you do with the resulting debris?

100% of the wood and chips we accumulate is recycled. If you would like to keep the chips or wood from your job, we may be able to leave this material for you in a convenient location. We can cut the larger pieces of wood into 16-20” rounds for you to split at your convenience.

Do you offer a guarantee?

Guardian Tree Experts guarantees to deliver what we promise on our proposals with professional skill and care. If you are not satisfied, we will work with you until you are, or you will not be charged.

How do I choose a professional tree care company?

Some questions to ask:

Can the company provide you with copies of their General Liability and Worker’s Compensation insurance?
Is the company affiliated with professional organizations? Do they employ ISA Certified Arborists? What other credentials do they have?
Do employees work in a safe manner according to our industry’s ANSI Z133.1 safety standard?
Are they easily reached? Do they return your messages within one day?
Do they continue to care for you and your property after the initial job? If so, how?
Do employees look respectable, and do they use clean, well-maintained equipment?
Can they provide you with testimonials and references?

What is an arborist?

An arborist is a person who is trained in the art and science of planting, caring for, and maintaining individual trees. Some arborists have distinguished themselves by obtaining an International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) certification. ISA certification provides a measurable assessment of the knowledge and competence required to provide proper tree care.

Don't trees take care of themselves?

Trees growing in urban areas are often stressed by compacted and nutrient-deficient soils, limited available rooting space, under or over-watering, competition with grass, and damage by humans. Trees in urban areas can also develop weakened structures that may lead to hazardous conditions. Without attention, these issues cause key trees to decline, fail, or die. Managing your plants with regular inspections, pruning, and fertilization will improve the health and vigor of your trees and reduce risk.

Should I save my tree?

Deciding whether or not to save a favorite tree can be difficult. Trees often become part of the family and are associated with many happy memories. We enjoy working with our clients to try to save their key trees whenever it is advisable. Often, services such as pruning, cabling, bracing, fertilization, pest suppression, and root zone enhancement will help to reverse a tree’s decline. Sometimes, however, trees pose a serious hazard to people and property or are too far gone to save. We recommend removal in these situations.

When is the best time to prune my trees?

In southern Michigan, most species can be pruned throughout the year as long as no more than 25% of the crown is removed at one time. To maximize blooms, trees and shrubs should be pruned soon after flowering. Oaks, ashes, and elms should be pruned in fall and winter to avoid the spread of insect and disease pests. When maples or birches are pruned in late winter or early spring, sap tends to bleed from the pruning wounds. Although this bleeding may look harmful, it does not cause injury to the tree.Small trees should be pruned carefully. Recently planted trees should not be pruned heavily in an attempt to balance the size of the crown with the size of the roots. Recent research has proven that above-ground growth encourages root growth. Structural pruning early on in a tree’s life can prevent storm damage and the need to spend money on support measures as the tree ages.

I have a large tree to remove. Does the wood have great value?

The wood from most deciduous hardwoods such as oak, cherry, maple, and walnut does have some measurable value. In urban areas, a tree’s highest value is usually in lumber or firewood. Prices for these commodities vary based on the local market. If you would like to recycle the wood from your tree, we can recommend local lumber processors who can come to your location. Unfortunately, poor access and the possibility of metal and/or defects can significantly reduce the value of “urban” wood.

Do you remove large, hard-to-access trees?

Yes. We use advanced rigging techniques and a crane (when possible), and we have not met our match yet.

My tree looks sick. What should I do?

Trees and shrubs decline for many different reasons, but many of them can be saved with proper diagnosis and timely treatments. Contact us today, and one of our arborists can meet with you to assess your tree’s situation and make recommendations to help improve the tree’s health.

Do you remove large, hard-to-access trees?

Yes. We use advanced rigging techniques and a crane (when possible), and we have not met our match yet.

How do I know if my tree is hazardous?

A visual inspection by an ISA Certified Arborist can reveal obvious defects and hazardous situations. For a more in-depth analysis, we utilize climbing inspections and decay-detection methods. These methods enable us to provide you with a report that describes the risk level of the tree.

My tree is too tall, and I'm afraid it's going to fall. A friend recommended that I have the tree topped. Is this a good idea?

One of the most common misconceptions people have is that tall trees are hazardous. Architectural defects, decay, species, and exposure determine risk… not height. Topping is the indiscriminate cutting of tree branches to stubs or lateral branches that are too small to assume the terminal role. This practice is against our industry’s standards and is extremely harmful to a tree. In the long term, topping will make a tree more hazardous, not less.

I want to add an addition to my house. What should I do to prepare the nearby trees for construction?

Please call us before breaking ground. Many of our area’s best trees have declined as a result of recent construction. The compaction, soil degradation, root severance, physical injury, contamination, and change in exposure that construction creates are usually too much for the tree to tolerate. Prior to breaking ground, we can meet with you and your builder to discuss how to preserve your key trees throughout this process.

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